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Each academy in Affinity Learning Partnership has a Local Governing Body (LGB) which works on behalf of the Trust Board to exercise leadership in the running of the individual academy and hold the Principal and staff to account. The LGB is responsible for promoting high standards and strives to ensure that our young people are attending a successful academy which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.

The role of the Local Governing Body:

  • helping the Principal and senior leadership team to set high standards by planning for the academy´s future and setting performance targets for the academy;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the academy provision;
  • the management of risks against the academy's risk register;
  • acting as a critical friend to the Principal and senior leadership team, offering support and advice;
  • helping the academy respond to the needs of parents and the community;
  • helping make the academy be open and accountable to the public for what it does;
  • working with the academy on planning and developing policies and keeping the academy provision under review; and
  • exercising the responsibilities and powers delegated to it by the Directors in partnership with the Principal and staff.

The Affinity Learning Partnership is currently recruiting for governors in both primary and secondary schools.  Should you be interested please visit Affinity Learning Partnership's website.

If you wish to contact the Local Governing Body, you can do so by contacting Fiona Harvey, Clerk to the Governors, by emailing: clerk.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk or writing to:

The Pingle Academy
Coronation Street 
DE11 0QA

Affinity Learning Partnership Governance Documents

Meet Our Local Governing Body

Ex-Officio Governor

The Principal of our Academy also sits on our Local Governing Body as a Governor.  They are referred to as an Ex-officio Governor, by virtue of their office. This means that they will remain a Governor for as long as they are employed in their role as Principal. 

Steve Hall

Steve hall

Appointed: 01 September 2021

Attendance for 2023/24:  6/6

Register of Interests: None declared

BioI grew up in Preston in Lancashire and attended Walton-le-Dale High School gaining nine GCSEs before moving to Runshaw College in Leyland to study A levels in Mathematics, Geography and Human Biology.  After graduating from university, I remained in the East Midlands starting as a teacher of PE at Noel-Baker Community School in Alvaston, Derby before being appointed at what is now The Pingle Academy as Head of PE in 2005.  I feel very privileged to be in the position of Principal.  No two days are ever alike in this profession and we are all very lucky to work with so many hard working, resilient, talented and inspiring young people on a daily basis!


Board Appointed Governors

Governors who are Board Appointed are appointed by the Trust Board.  Their term of office is four years.  At The Pingle Academy the governance structure allows for four Board Appointed Governors.

David Baker
Chair of Governors

Baker david mr

Appointed: 11 March 2013
Term of office: 17 March 2025 - 16 March 2029
Appointed by: The Trust Board

Attendance for 2023/24: 6/6

Declarations: Director and Trustee at Wirksworth Swimming Pool

Bio: After graduating from Sheffield University with a degree in maths and computer science I became a teacher at Anthony Gell School in Wirksworth. I worked there for 32 years, the last 10 as Headteacher. I now work as an independent education consultant and maths tutor. I am also involved in writing maths text books. I have been a Governor at Pingle since September 2013 and became Chair in September 2016.

Gary Thompson
Vice Chair

Thompson gary mr

Appointed: 16 March 2021
Term of office: 17 March 2025 - 16 March 2029
Appointed by: The Trust Board

Attendance for 2023/24: 3/6

Declarations: Employee of Jaguar Land Rover

Bio: I have work for Jaguar Land Rover for 30 years and currently have a daughter in Year 12, who started at The Pingle Academy in Year 7. As a Parent Governor, my experience in working for Jaguar Land Rover helps me to bring to the Governing Body my knowledge from a business perspective.  Also fostering for the local authority for 10 years helps in the understanding of children in care.

Carl Warren

Warren carl mr

Appointed: 18 May 2021 
Term of office: 18 May 2021 - 17 May 2025
Appointed by: The Trust Board

Attendance for 2023/24: 5/6

Declarations: None declared

Bio: I became a member of Local Governing Body in May 2017.  My background is in Engineering & Maintenance, and I have worked at the Toyota car plant since 1992. My key roles are project management, statutory responsibilities in the work place, budget planning, cost control, energy and managing outside contracts.  I am the father of two children, whom both attend Pingle, with one in KS3 and one in KS5.  Throughout my life, I have never lived more than 2 miles from Pingle, so I have a very good affiliation and understanding of the local community.

Adrian Hobson

Hobson adrian mr

Appointed:  30 June 2021 (Parent)
Term of office:  17 March 2025 - 16 March 2029

Attendance for 2023/24: 6/6

Declarations: Employee of Royal Air Force

Bio: I have lived in Swadlincote for the majority of my life, but now have two sons at The Pingle Academy which sparked my interest in becoming a Parent Governor. As one of the two Parent Governors I feel honoured and privileged to represent the interests and concerns of parents on the Local Governing Board. Professionally, I work in the Aviation Industry as a Pilot and also supervise flying operations at five airfields. My professional role is that of oversight and assurance, ensuring flying standards are maintained, operations are conducted smoothly, and any Risks to Life are mitigated appropriately, whilst supporting the accountable Duty Holder chain.


Parent Governors

Parent governors are elected by the parents/guardians of the students who attend The Pingle Academy.  When a parent governors vacancy occurs, nominations are requested from all registered parents and guardians and an election takes place.  Their term of office is four years.  At The Pingle Academy the governance structure allows for two parent governors. 




Gareth Jones

Jones gareth mr

Appointed: 30 June 2021
Term of office: 30 June 2021 - 29 June 2025 

Attendance for 2023/24: 5/6

Declarations: Ward Councillor for the
Seales Ward in South
Derbyshire District Council. Chairman of the Planning Committee for SDDC.

Bio: I became a member of Local Governing Body in July 2021.  My background is in Construction and I have worked for various main contracting companies in managing design. I have a BSc(Hons) Degree and Post Graduate Diploma in Construction. My career has been quite varied and I have managed the design of Schools, Hospitals, Housing Estates, High rise tower blocks and Care Homes. In my spare time I like to read Military History books.


Staff Governor

The staff governor by the staff based at The Pingle Academy.  When a staff governor vacancy occurs, nominations are requested from all members of staff based at The Pingle Academy and an election takes place.  Their term of office is four years.  At The Pingle Academy the governance structure allows for one staff governor. 

Janine Wyatt

Wyatt j mrs

Appointed: 30 June 2021
Term of office: 30 June 2021 - 29 June 2025

Attendance for 2023/24: 5/6

Declarations: Employed by Affinity Learning Partnership

Bio: Within my 20 years’ experience working in education I have gained many skills and qualifications which help me support children as well as keeping them safe within the Academy. I am Mental Health First Aid trained and have a Certificate in Education. As a staff governor and member of the local community I have an invested interest in the students’ well-being and future opportunities available to them. 


Co-Opted Govenors

At The Pingle Academy the governance structure allows for the local governors listed above to co-opt up to four further local governors to the local governing body in order to bring a specific skill set that will add value to the academy, making local governance even more efficient and effective.  Co-opted governors have a term of office of four years.  

Sarah Withnall

Withnall sarah mrs

Appointed: 28 September 2022
Term of Office: 28 September 2022 - 27 September 2026
Appointed by: The LGB

Attendance for 2023/24: 5/6

Register of Interests: Employed by Overdale Medical Practice. Governor at Hartshorne Primary School. Close friend of staff member.

Bio: I am a registered pharmacy technician and have worked in a pharmacy for the past 18 years.  In addition to being a Governor at another school I am also assistant district commissioner for beaver scouts in South Derbyshire.  These roles have given me experience dealing with children across all the age ranges and their parents and carers.  I have four children, my eldest has recently started The Pingle Academy Sixth Form.

Amanda Knight MBE

Knight amanda mrs

Appointed: 13th March 2024
Term of Office: 13th March 2024 - 12th March 2028
Appointed by: The LGB

Attendance for 2023/24: 3/5

Register of Interests: None declared

Bio: Awaiting

Previous Governors in the last 12 months

Cllr Alan Haynes

Appointed:  15 November 2023 
Resigned: 01 May 2024

Attendance for 2023/24: 3/3

Register of Interests:  County Councillor for Swadlincote South.
District Councillor for Church Gresley Ward

Julie Amour


Appointed: 22 January 2025

Resigned: 25 Feb 2025

Attendance for 2023/24: NA

Register of interests: Employed by Affinity Learning Partnership

Clerk to Governors

The Clerk provides professional advice to the Governing Body on governance, constitutional and procedural matters. They provide administrative support including minute taking and convening meetings, ensure the Governing Body is properly constituted and manage all Governing Body information effectively. It is the Clerk’s role to ensure the Governing Body meets all of its statutory duties.

Fiona Harvey




Page Downloads Date  
Scheme of Delegation Sept 2023 04th Oct 2023 Download
Terms of Reference LGB 22 23 04th Oct 2023 Download
ALP Governance Code of Conduct 2024 2025 08th Jan 2025 Download
Register of Interests Local Governors PIN January 2025 15th Jan 2025 Download