Pingle academy image 33


We consider that the wearing of uniform and looking smart at The Pingle Academy plays an important role in establishing the identity and ethos of the academy. 

  • It contributes to a sense of purpose and positive behaviour culture within the academy.
  • It provides our students with a sense of identity and pride in our academy. 
  • It enhances the appearance of our students and therefore the reputation of our academy.
  • Many jobs require staff to wear a uniform of some type and, therefore, the wearing of uniform helps to prepare students for the world of work.

Students also represent the academy whilst in the local community and, therefore, are expected to maintain high standards of uniform both on their way to the academy and on the way home from the academy.  Students should wear their uniform with pride and it is expected that our standards and expectations are supported by parents and carers.

This academy uniform and PE kit guidance applies to all students in Years 7-11.  Please see separate guidance for Sixth Form dress code.

Uniform for all students, Year 7-11

  • Black academy blazer with embroidered academy logo (compulsory).  Blazers should be worn at all times with sleeves rolled down.  Whilst in class, blazers may be removed with the permission of the teacher.
  • Plain smart/formal black trousers that are ankle length and have a zip and/or button to fasten or knee length plain black skirt (compulsory).  No tracksuit bottoms, jeans, leggings or jeggings, or trousers made of jersey material.  No stretchy skirts.  Shorts are not permitted.
  • Plain white formal cotton/polyester shirt with stiff, pointed collar and buttons up to the neck (compulsory).  Shirts can be long or short sleeved and must be tucked in at all times.
  • Plain black belt with discreet buckle, if required.
  • Academy tie (compulsory).  Students who do sport at county, national or international level have a special tie.  Prefects and Head Prefects are also awarded distinctive ties.
  • Plain v-neck black knitted jumper may be worn under a blazer (optional).  Academy logo is NOT required.  No sweatshirt material.
  • Plain black socks (compulsory). 
  • Plain black footwear with no other colours, trims, logos or stripes - smart shoes are preferred (compulsory).  No boots, no canvas pumps, no high tops.
  • Plain black turban or headscarf may be worn for religious reasons, if required.
  • Lanyards: All students must wear their lanyard to the academy every day.  For September 2024, student lanyard colours are as follows:

Year 7       grey

Year 8       orange

Year 9       blue

Year 10     yellow

Year 11     purple


The Pingle Academy has simple expectations regarding standards of uniform which students are expected to follow.

  • Students are encouraged to wear appropriate outdoor coats on colder days.  Coats may be worn in the academy building, but should be removed prior to entering a classroom.  Hoods MUST be down when in the academy building.  Denim/leather jackets or jackets with extreme designs/logos are not permitted.  When wearing a coat in the academy building, students MUST wear their academy blazer underneath.
  • Hoodies or any non-Pingle uniform tops are NOT PERMITTED to be worn anywhere on the academy site and need to be removed prior to entering the building each morning.  A hoodie is defined as zip through or pull over top made of soft sweatshirt type material.  Hoodies and sweatshirts should not be worn as an alternative to a coat. 
  • Students are NOT PERMITTED to wear jogging bottoms under their trousers.  If these are noticed they will be asked to remove them and they will be confiscated until the end of the day. 
  • Hairstyles:  Extreme cuts and unnatural hair colours are not permitted.  Hair dye should be of natural colour and ‘dip dyeing’ the ends of hair is not permitted.  Consideration should be made during holidays to ensure hairstyles and colour meet the guidance outlined above on the students’ return.
  • Jewellery                  
    • One plain stud earring in lower ear lobes.  No other visible piercings are allowed. 
    • Students may wear a wristwatch.
    • One plain bracelet (removed for practical subjects) is permitted.
    • Necklaces and neck chains should not be visible.
    • One small ring is permitted.
  • Make-up/nails: No excessive make-up, no coloured nail varnish, long nails and no false eyelashes.
  • Uniform accessories:  Scarves, hats and gloves are permitted, but should be removed when in the academy building.  No additional accessories such as badges or wristbands are permitted unless provided by the academy or for a specific event.

PE kit for all students, Year 7-11

The PE Faculty are proud of the PE kit which should be worn both in lessons and when representing The Pingle Academy in sporting fixtures.  The guidance applies to all students in Year 7-11.  All compulsory items can be purchased from our office uniform suppliers.

  • Red Pingle polo shirt with academy logo.
  • Red Pingle outdoor top with academy logo – either Pingle hoodie or quarter-zip top.
  • Black shorts/cycling shorts or black tracksuit bottoms (academy logo not required).
  • Black skorts are optional.
  • Trainers and/or football/rugby boots.
  • One-piece swimsuit/swimming shorts/trunks and swimming hat.
  • Astro turf trainers or moulded studded boots for PE lessons or lunchtime activities taking place on the artificial turf or grassed areas.
  • Coats are not permitted unless advised by a member of the PE Faculty due to very cold weather.

ALL jewellery must be removed for PE lessons for health and safety purposes.

Please note, that trainers/boots with blades or metal studs must NOT be worn on the artificial turf pitch because of increased risk of ankle and knee injury and damage to the playing surface.

Students wearing incorrect uniform

  • Confiscation of offending item(s) which will be safely stored in Support and Guidance for the remainder of the day.  Students will be able to collect the confiscated item(s) at the end of the day.
  • Parents and carers will be contacted if their children arrive in incorrect uniform so they can rectify the situation.
  • Students may be isolated until a resolution can be found to any infringement of the uniform policy.


Students need to be ready for lessons with the following equipment: 

  • A pencil case with black pens, pencils, eraser and ruler.
  • A calculator for Mathematics and Science.
  • A fully charged iPad.

Students wearing incorrect uniform:  Parents and carers will be contacted if their children arrive in incorrect uniform.

Uniform Policy
Parents and carers are free to shop around for basic items of uniform, but please ensure they fit the above criteria.  Our uniform is available from:

Pupils SchoolwearPMG SchoolwearWB Global Trading

My Uniform

Alternatively you can also purchase pre-loved uniform items from UNIFORMD by following the link below.

UNIFORMD: Pre-Loved Uniform Items


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