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- Safeguarding
Everyone working in, or for The Pingle Academy, shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:
- Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn in education settings.
- Identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and taking the appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in the Academy setting.
All staff undergo regular training to ensure they are aware of the most up to date practice in Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Students receive regular inputs and information sessions which enable them to be aware of keeping themselves safe, in school, out of school and online.
There are two designated Safeguarding Leads working within the academy. The person with overall responsibility for safeguarding is Mrs Kathleen Simpson (Designated Safeguarding Lead).
If you have any concerns in relation to a safeguarding issue please contact them immediately. Photographs and contact details of these staff can be found below, along with links to key safeguarding information
Please follow the link below to view the Trust-wide safeguarding policy
Safeguarding/Child Protection Policy
If students have any safeguarding concerns, they can find Mrs Simpson or Mrs Orme in Support & Guidance 1 along the corridor from the Learners’ Entrance or contact them at
Mrs K Simpson: ksimpson.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk Mrs E Orme: eorme.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Meet the Safeguarding team
Mrs K Simpson: Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs K Simpson
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ext: 1314
Mrs E Orme: Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Erika Orme
Safeguarding OfficerMrs E Orme (eorme.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk)
Miss S Knight: Child in Care Co-ordinator
Miss Shannon Knight
Child in Care Co-ordinator
Ext: 1377
Mrs S Hughes: First Aid & Student Welfare
Mrs Stella Hughes
First Aid & Student Welfare
Ext: 1353
Mr S Hall: Principal
Mr P Harvey: Vice Principal
Ms A Smith: Vice Principal
Mr J Done: Assistant Principal
Mr D Riley: Assistant Principal
Mr S Waller: Assistant Principal
Mrs L Harling: Head of Enhanced Resource Section (ERS)
Mrs Louise Harling
Head of Enhanced Resource Section (ERS)
Ext: 1368
Mrs C McKay: Family Support Worker ERS
Mrs Claire McKay
Family Support Worker ERSMrs C McKay (cmckay.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk)
Mrs R Venda: Education Welfare Officer
Mrs F Stagg: Trust Board Link for Safeguarding
Mrs Fiona Stagg
Trust Board Link for SafeguardingMrs F Stagg (fstagg@affinitylp.co.uk)
Mr A Hobson: Safeguarding Governor
Mr Adrian Hobson
Safeguarding GovernorMr A Hobson (ahobson.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk)