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Careers Guidance (CEIAG)

Partners in CEIAG – Employers, Parent/Carers, Tutors and Teaching staff, Students

The academy’s aim is to work in partnership with parents/carers, the local community and industry to extend our careers programme. We aim to inspire, engage and challenge all our young people, regardless of background, to be the best that they can be.  You can help in the following ways:

  • Employers and the wider community: Please let us know if you would like to work in partnership with us to help provide further opportunities and experiences for our students.  If you could support the academy either by helping with a CEIAG event at the academy, at your place of work or by offering work experience.  Please contact Mr D Riley, Assistant Principal, via email: or by contacting the academy on 01283 216837.
  • Parents/carers: To be aware of the CEIAG calendar at the academy, and engage in the events and discussions about careers, progression and the opportunities available. To use the CEIAG resources and useful links on the academy website to help support at home.
  • Tutors and teaching staff: To provide learners with opportunities to discover and learn about careers and employability.  To link schemes of work with the world of work and discuss experiences, skills development and how their subjects link with careers and employability skills.
  • Students: To engage with CEIAG events and learning opportunities, ask questions, research and discover all they can about future possibilities.  To develop the skills that will be necessary for the work of work.

Careers & Enterprise Adviser 

We are fully engaged with our local Enterprise Adviser Network. Enterprise Advisers use their knowledge of the local business landscape to support the Principal and Careers Lead to develop an effective careers plan and to create opportunities with their business contacts in the area for the students at the academy. Working on a voluntary basis, our Enterprise Adviser is a Managing Director who uses his business experience and professional networks to help us develop and implement an effective strategy that puts opportunities with local employers at the heart of a young person's education.

Careers Leader:  Mr D Riley, Assistant Principal

The Careers Leader is responsible and accountable for the delivery of the academy’s programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG).  He has a clear overview of the academy’s careers provision and develop an academy wide career and CEIAG programme to meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks by the end of 2025.

The Careers Leader will lead the team who deliver career guidance in the academy advising senior leadership on policy and strategy, while ensuring compliance with legal requirements.  They will plan the programme of activity in career guidance, monitor the delivery of career guidance across the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, manage provider access and support the CPD of careers colleagues.

The Careers Leader will liaise with subject leaders to plan their contribution to career guidance as well as managing the provision of career and labour market information and the careers guidance information on the academy website.  They will also coordinate encounters with employers, establish links with Further Education providers, develop links with employers and manage links with the LEP and other external organisations.

The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of good career guidance:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each student
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

The Careers Leader will use destination data, student, parents/carers and employers feedback to assess the impact of the careers programme.

For more information please contact Mr D Riley on 01283 216837 ext 293 or via email


Careers Programme InformationGatsby Benchmark

Provider Access Policy

Local Jobs Market Information (LMI)
Derbyshire & NottinghamshireLeicester & Leicestershire


Subject that will give me the most options...University: Truths & Myths

Careerpilot: How to get ready for your future career - find out in only 3 minutes!

All levels of apprenticeships including Degree Apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships

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Guide to Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship Levels & Career Options

University & Careers

UCAS Careers Advice


UNIFROG Careers Resources

General Careers Resources

Barclays Life Skills

Get My First Job

BBC Bitesize

NHS Careers

iCloud Buzz QuizSTAR Technique

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Royal Air Force

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Royal Army



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