Pingle academy image 6

Year 6 into Year 7 Transition





It is an absolute pleasure to welcome your child to The Pingle Academy in September 2024. We a re delighted that your child will be joining our school for the next chapter in their school life.  Rest assured, they are going to have an amazing and successful time at The Pingle Academy!

Starting secondary school is an exciting time, but it also can be a little bit daunting for children as they are transferring from a relatively small school to a larger one.  Please don’t worry though we are here to fully support their transition journey and will be using this website, other interactive resources and hopefully some smaller scale face to face activities to make your child’s introduction to The Pingle Academy a safe, smooth and special one.

Please be assured that we have begun liaising with the primary schools to collect the information that we need about your child.  If you have any concerns or information that you would like to pass on, please contact the academy by emailing Miss Sowter, Head of Year 7, email:, who will be able to help you.  You may have a query regarding special educational needs where our SENDCo, Mr Oliphant, email:, can assist.  As well as information about induction, we have gathered other information together that you or child will want to know about the academy including videos and photos.

Many families have a lot of the same questions and concerns surrounding transition and we are committed to working with you to address any issues. All the key information you need as parents/carers will be uploaded to this website for easy access.  We also have several fun interactive resources and links to helpful videos for your children to engage with which will help to prepare them for the big move, so please keep visiting this website for updated content.

Year 6 Parent & Carer letter from Mr Hall

Year 6 Parent & Carer Letter from Mr Hall (ERS)

Mr Halls Parent & Carer Letter - Following Intake Day (03/07/24)Form Tutor Information Session for Intake Evening 


Year 6 Parents & Carers - Invitation to Intake Day and EveningYear 6 Parents & Carers -  Invitation to Intake Day and Evening (ERS)Year 6 Parents & Carers - Intake Day Lunch and Catering letterIntake Day Menu 2024


Year 6 Parent Carer Medical Information and Consent Year 6 Parents & Carers - MFL curriculum 2024Year 6 Parents & Carers - Music Opportunities Letter 2024

Year 6 Parents & Carers - Summer School invitationYear 6 Parents & Carers - Summer School invitation (ERS)


The Pingle Academy Online Enrolment Form

Questionnaire for Year 6 parents & carers 


Attendance & Behaviour 

For our policies on attendance, punctuality & behaviour please visit our policies webpage.

Key Information - Policies

DCC Letter to parents & carers: Attendance

Mr Done's Letter to parents & carers: Attendance

Attendance poster for parents and carers

Be Awesome, Go Big - Transition Resources for Year 6 Pupils

Be Awesome, Go Big is a package to help Year 6 students transition into Year 7. It can be used by students and parents at home or at primary school with teachers in class. It is designed to be motivational, helpful and reassuring and to help young people feel valued, loved, encouraged and equipped for the journey ahead. It is a project from PiXL Club and Hachette Children’s

The resources are based on bestselling children’s books You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big: The secondary school survival guide by Matthew Burton. For More information and step by step lessons for your child to complete, Follow this link.


For our Anti Bullying Policy please visit our Policies Page.

Key Information - Policies


Please follow the link below for more information about catering.

The Pingle Academy - Catering

Data Protection

Please follow the link below to view our policy on data protection.

Key Information - Policies

Travelling to the Pingle Academy

Follow the link below for the latest bus timetable.

Bus Services to The Pingle Academy

For any other information please visit our Academy Travel page

The Pingle Academy - Academy Travel


Why is homework set?

Homework is a valuable supplement to the learning experience of all students in the academy.  It has a number of different purposes:

  • To develop independent learning skills e.g. thinking and researching.
  • To prepare younger students for the demands of independent study and coursework higher up the academy and beyond.
  • To prepare for subsequent lessons/tests.
  • To consolidate what is being learnt in lessons.

Homework is most valuable when it is clearly linked to current or future learning (i.e. it is relevant).  Homework is an obligation and must be completed.

What kinds of tasks can I expect my child to be set?

There are many homework tasks that are valuable – the following are some possibilities:

  • Revision for knowledge organiser quizzes.
  • Researching (extended projects set over a longer period of time or resource gathering in preparation for future lessons).
  • Learning (e.g. vocabulary, spellings, facts).
  • Extension tasks that deepen the learning in the lesson (set for more able students).
  • Writing assignments/drafting.
  • Reading.
  • Practising (e.g. presentations/newly acquired skills/examination questions).
  • Projects to supplement the learning (completed over a number of weeks).

We try to set a variety of different types and styles of task because students learn in a variety of different ways and they find variety more interesting and motivating. 

If a set homework task requires students to use ICT to complete it and they do not have access to a computer at home, they are encouraged to take advantage of the use of the academy’s ICT facilities at lunch time or after the last lesson in the Library, which is open until 4:00pm Tuesday to Thursday.

How much, and how often will homework be set?

It is impossible to specify the exact amount and frequency of the homework that will be set as teachers need to be flexible in responding to the needs of their classes.  In addition, the amount of homework set depends upon the age of the student.

  • At KS3 it is reasonable to expect students to spend 20-30 minutes on each homework task and that homework will be set every three to four lessons of subject time.
  • At KS4 students should expect homework tasks lasting 30-45 minutes every week in each subject.
  • At KS5 students should expect homework tasks of at least three hours per subject per week, but they are also expected to supplement work in lessons and for homework with self-directed study (e.g. background research and reading around the subject).   This work may be done at home or during the student’s non-contact lessons. 

How is homework set?

The Pingle Academy uses the Class Charts app  to set and monitor homework. All students and parents/carers are provided with a login which enables them to see what homework has been set, when it is due and when it has been completed.

How can I help at home?

Parents/carers are asked to regularly check homework set and to encourage their children to complete homework tasks.  If homework cannot be completed for a good reason, we ask that parents/carers email the subject teacher explaining to the teacher what has happened.

If homework has not been completed, sanctions (e.g. detention) may be given.  


ILS provides lockers for Pingle Academy students. The lockers are owned by ILS and are available for students to rent on an annual basis. Rental costs are £25 per year allowing use from September through to July. Please note all bookings terminate at the end of the academy year in July. We apologise but there is no discount for lockers booked late in the year.  The locker size is as follows: Height: 450mm Width: 300mm Depth: 450mm. To guarantee a locker please book online at our website for September 2023 – July 2024 will be available online from June 1st. Lockers are subject to availability please book early to avoid disappointment. All available lockers are shown online. All rentals are subject to our terms and conditions which are available during the booking process. Please note we are a separate entity from the academy and all dealings will be directly with ourselves. Lockers cannot be reserved or booked via the office telephone.

Parent locker letter (2023-24)

Miss Sowter: Year 7 Progress Leader - Frequently Asked Questions

Question Time with Miss Sowter, Year 7 Progress Leader


Who will be my Form Tutor?

The intention at The Pingle Academy is for you to keep the same Form Tutor until the end of Year 10.  This allows both students and parents/carers to build a positive relationship with the Form Tutor and for all to have a consistent point of contact for any issues.  The Form Tutor will always be the first point of contact for students, parents/carers and teachers.  Only if they are not able to deal with any issues will it be passed to the Progress Leader.  Year 7 Form Tutors and groups are being currently planned and new Year 7 students will be sent details of their Form Tutor in the next few weeks. 


Who will be my Progress Leader?

I am the Progress Leader for Year 7 from September 2024.  At the academy it is my job to work with Year 7 throughout the year to make sure you are settled, happy and learning.


How are teaching groups organised?

At the start of Year 7 you will be placed in groups based on information we have received from your primary school.  Later in the term, teachers will assess the work you have completed and decide if you would be better placed in a different group.  Students are taught in mixed ability groups for the majority of classes in KS3, with the exception and being set for maths, science and PE.


How big are the class sizes?

It is likely that there will be between 25–28 students in your tutor group.  Class sizes will vary slightly depending on subject and groups being taught at that time.


Will I get homework?

We believe at The Pingle Academy, that for students to meet aspirations, they need to understand the value of hard work and that practice makes perfect.  Therefore, tasks set to do at home are to support mastery of the skills and knowledge learnt in lessons.


How much homework will I get?

Each subject and year group follows a homework timetable.  There is an example on the Year 6 into Year 7 transition menu. Some homework will be online and some will be paper based.  The academy runs a homework club every day after the academy day for those students that would like some support in completing the tasks.  Much homework will be based around Knowledge Organisers.  We will show you how to use these during lessons.


How will I know what homework I have?

Most of your homework will be set on the ClassCharts app or Google Classroom.


How do I pay for my academy lunch?

The academy operates a cashless catering system.  On your first day we will issue you with an identity card which you can scan at the till when you want to buy food.  Your parents/carers can top up your account using ParentPay.  All the paperwork and information will be sent home and the form needs to be completed and returned to the academy.  We do have a cash top up machine in the cafeteria if you are unable to get onto the online payment portal.


Do I have to have lunch from the cafeteria?

No, students can bring their own lunch into the academy and are able to eat it in the cafeteria, main hall or picnic tables outside, weather permitting.  Please, however, ensure that all litter is placed in the bins provided around the academy.


What are the timings of the academy day?

The cafeteria is open from 8:00am for students who are having breakfast (Risk Assessment permitting).  All students need to be on the academy site for 8:25am and in form rooms for 8:30am prompt.  Lunchtime for Year 7 students is at 12:05pm and the end of the academy day is 2:35pm.  The buses leave site at 2:45pm.


How many lessons will I have in a day?

The school has five 60-minute lessons in a day.


What extra curricular clubs are there at The Pingle Academy?

There are many different clubs running from all the various Faculties.  Some are run at lunchtime and some after the academy day.  Your Form Tutor and teachers will give you lots of information about the clubs that are on offer.


What uniform do I need?

The full list of the uniform expectations is in the student and parent/carer handbooks that have been sent to you.  If you are unsure, please look on the academy website where you will find more information about the uniform expectations.

You will also find information about PE kit that will be required.


What equipment do I need?

You will need to be well organised and ensure you bring the correct equipment with you each day.  Being well organised will help you to achieve more in your lessons. Each day you will need a pencil case with black/green pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, calculator and a fully charged iPad.


What happens if I get lost?

All the staff and students at The Pingle Academy are very friendly so if you are lost please ask someone.  We will also give all students a map of the academy to help them navigate their way around.  It really will not take you long to become familiar with the academy buildings.


What happens if I need to leave the academy for an appointment?

We ask that you try to make all appointments outside of the academy day.  However, if this is not possible then you must provide a letter from parents/carers that details the time you will leave, the time you will return and the reason for the absence.  In some cases, it might be necessary to provide evidence of the appointment.  This letter should be signed by me as Progress Leader for Year 7.  At the time you need to leave you will need to go to the reception where you will sign out.  Parents/carers must collect students from the academy reception.


What will I need on my first day?

Please bring with you your pencil case and a school bag.  Please also bring any outstanding paperwork that has been requested.  It is also a good idea to have a drink of water with you (energy drinks/ fizzy pop are not allowed at The Pingle Academy) and your packed lunch if you are not having a lunch in the cafeteria. It is also a good idea to have a coat (dependent on the weather). You will not need your PE kit on the first day.


Can I bring a mobile phone with me to school?

You can bring your mobile phone to the academy, but it must be switched off and in your bag before entering the academy site.  It must not be turned on until exiting the academy building.  If a student’s mobile phone is used, seen, or heard during these times it will be confiscated.


If students are anxious/nervous due to lack of transition days, how will this be dealt with?

New Year 7s are well supported in the academy.  In addition to having the support of myself, your Form Tutor and subject teachers, we have the Support and Guidance Team who look after students who may feel anxious or nervous.  We also have a team of amazing student leaders who are well trained to support, help and encourage Year 7 in their first weeks at the academy.  The form time programme is designed to help students settle into academy life and gives them the opportunity to ask any questions they might have.


How will students be supported with friendships if they are moving without friends to Pingle and are anxious or nervous about this?

Myself and Miss Khan will have spoken to all of the Year 6 primary school teachers regarding students moving to the academy in September 2023.  Either the class teachers at your child’s primary school have informed us of friendship groups or your child has had an opportunity to say who they would like to be with. Where a student is coming from a primary school alone, they will be buddied with students in a similar position or those from another small school.  I will check these students on the first day of school in their form group to ensure they are happy and making friends.


What if my child has a slight learning difficulty how will they be supported at Pingle?

Myself and Miss Khan have contacted the primary schools to ascertain any barriers to progress and identify successful, personalised strategies to remove these.  This information is shared with teachers so that a students' needs will be met by quality first teaching.  Students complete their first set of assessments in the autumn term and if, at this point, it is felt that a student requires additional support, adjustments can be made and a student support profile may be devised.  Parents/carers are encouraged to participate in this.


Will I get bullied at the academy?

Bullying is not a big problem at The Pingle Academy, however, if you felt that you were being bullied there are lots of people who can help you.  Firstly, you must report it straight away so that it can be dealt with.  You can tell any member of staff such as myself, your Form Tutor, a Student Support Worker or member of the Leadership Team.  We also have student anti-bullying ambassadors who will look after and support you.  Finally, if you feel that you cannot speak to anyone, you can report it on the anti-bullying report button and Mr Done, Assistant Principal and his team will pick the issue up and deal with it discreetly.


Parent/Carer & Student Booklets

You will find a lot of information in the booklets below.

The Pingle Academy Prospectus

Parent & Carer Welcome Booklet Student Welcome Booklet

Parent & Carer Survey - Year 6 Only

At the The Pingle Academy we appreciate that a student's transition to secondary school is an important landmark in their educational journey, and we would like to invite you to share your views, as the parent/carer, to ensure the transition is successful.  Can I ask you to complete the short questionnaire in relation to your child's potential learning needs? Some of the questions may not apply, so please don't be concerned if they do not reflect any of your concerns, your input is still valuable to us. Please note that if you request a callback from the transition team we will be commencing phone calls from June 15th. Thank you for your support .                                        

Year 6 Parent & Carer Survey

Technology Contribution

All students at The Pingle Academy study Technology and complete several products that they can take home. As you will appreciate the cost of ingredients and materials is high; therefore,  we ask you for a contribution towards the cost. This allows us to give students far more interesting range of projects than would otherwise be possible and pays for all food ingredients for the year.

We are asking you to make a contribution for Years 7, 8 and 9 in one payment of £20.00. If this presents a problem to you, please let Mrs Webster or your child’s Progress Leader know - the contribution may be waived in cases of hardship.

You will be able to pay for your Technology Department subsidy using ParentPay. 

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of this further, please feel free to contact Mrs Taylor:

Term Dates

Please see our calendar for term dates

The Pingle Academy Calendar

Year 6 Transition Work

Uniform & Equipment

Please see the attachments at the bottom of this page for information on purchasing uniforms and discounts.

Uniform for all students, Year 7-11

  • White formal cotton/polyester shirt with stiff, pointed collar and buttons up to the neck - no puffed sleeves (COMPULSORY). 
  • Black academy blazer with embroidered academy logo (COMPULSORY).
  • Plain smart/formal black trousers - these must not be tight to the ankle, or knee length plain black skirt - no short stretchy skirts (COMPULSORY).  Shorts are not permitted.
  • Plain black belt, if required. 
  • Academy tie (COMPULSORY).
  • Plain v-neck black jumper may be worn under a blazer (optional).
  • Plain black socks (COMPULSORY).
  • Plain black footwear with no other colours, logos or stripes (COMPULSORY).  Smart shoes are preferred.  No boots.
  • Black turban or headscarf may be worn for religious reasons.

Special ties: students who do sport at county, national or international level have a special tie.  Head Prefects, Deputies and Prefect Leadership Team also have distinctive ties.

Lanyards: all students must wear their lanyard to the academy every day.  For September 2023, student lanyard colours are as follows:

Year 7 - Orange

Year 8 - Blue

Year 9 - Yellow

Year 10 - Purple

Year 11 - Grey

Hairstyles:  extreme cuts and colours are not permitted.

Piercings:  one plain stud in each ear.  No other piercings are allowed.

Jewellery:  a watch and one plain ring.

Make-up/nails:  no excessive make-up, no nail varnish, no false or acrylic nails, no false eyelashes.


Students need to be ready for lessons:  A pencil case with black/green pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, a calculator for Mathematics and Science and a fully charge iPad, are required for all lessons.

PE kit for all students, Year 7-11

  • Red Pingle polo shirt with academy logo.
  • Red Pingle outdoor top with academy logo.
  • Black shorts/cycling shorts or plain, black tracksuit bottoms (academy logo not required).
  • Trainers and/or football/rugby boots.
  • One-piece swimsuit/swimming shorts/trunks and swimming hat.
  • Astro turf trainers or moulded studded boots for PE lessons or lunchtime activities taking place on the artificial turf or grass pitch areas.
  • Coats are not permitted unless advised by a member of the PE Faculty due to very cold weather.

NB:  Please note that trainers/boots with blades or metal studs must not be worn on the artificial turf pitch because of increased risk of ankle and knee injury and damage to the playing surface.

Students wearing incorrect uniform

Parents and carers will be contacted immediately if their children arrive in incorrect uniform so they can rectify the situation.

In the case of incorrect footwear, black pumps will be provided and parent/carer contact made.  These must be signed out and Progress Leaders must ensure they are returned.  Progress Leaders/Support and Guidance Team may be able to loan ties on rare occasions, but these must be signed out and returned promptly.

Form Tutors have a crucial role in monitoring uniform infringements.  They should:

A) challenge, insist upon high standards and contact parents/carers as necessary

B) involve Progress Leader where necessary, to ensure appropriate standards are reached

C) keep a record of dates of infringements on a form list and liaise with Progress Leader about inviting in parents/carers where there are persistent problems.