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Personal Development

Students’ personal development is of paramount importance at The Pingle Academy.  As well as making good progress, we want all students to be well rounded individuals, ready to take their place in society.

The KS3/4 PSHE/Values curriculum is constructed and sequenced in order to prepare students for adult life and provide them with the skills they need to be successful citizens, such as confidence and resilience. We want to encourage students to discuss and debate a wide range of topical issues that directly affect their day to day lives. 

Whilst most of the PSHE/Values curriculum is delivered by a teacher using a wide range of teaching methods, some lessons are delivered by guest speakers such as the police, SARAC, politicians, NHS and touring groups.

Discussion is a regular feature of lessons and students become confident in engaging with other beliefs and values outside their own belief system.

All students are assessed termly through tasks such as presentations, role plays, poems, posters etc. and are allocated bronze, silver and gold for their achievements.

In addition to fostering students’ personal development through the PSHE curriculum, the academy caters for dimensions of personal development in form period, assembly, calendared activities and curriculum areas such as Religion, Science, English, Geography.  These include British Values, being a responsible citizen, online risks, careers programmes and SMSC.

Our personal development tracker gives a flavour of the range of experiences and development students at the academy receive.

Year 7 to 11 Personal Development Tracker 

For further information on personal development refer to:

The PSHE Curriculum Plan: Which can be found located here with other subjects

SMSC Provision


Raising Aspirations