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The link between attendance and attainment is well known and much has been published on how poor attendance can damage the academic results, mental health and resilience of students.  It has been recognised that the maintenance of attendance at 97% or above will maximise the opportunities for students.

In cases of illness, medical appointments or other unavoidable absence, parents/carers should continue to contact the academy to report absence on a daily basis.

Where attendance falls below the required level, we will implement a staged approach as outlined below in order to support students and remove this barrier to learning:

  • Where attendance falls below 90% this would be regarded as a cause for concern and students will meet with their Form Tutor to discuss any underlying causes or patterns of absence and draft a plan of support measures.  As part of the support plan, a 30-day monitoring period will be agreed where the student will be supported with their attendance and ensuring course content and assessments are up to date.  Where the reason for absence is an exceptional circumstance such as in-patient treatment this will be logged and support provided.
  • If after completion of the 30-day support plan their attendance has not improved, the student will be invited to an Attendance Panel Review meeting with the Head of Sixth Form.
  • Following the Attendance Panel Review meeting and a further 30-day monitoring period, should attendance still remain below the required level, a formal meeting will be held to discuss whether Sixth Form is the most appropriate placement for the student as the student's place in Sixth Form may be at risk.