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Sparx Reader

It is really important to us that young people are able to practise careful, silent reading for a decent amount of time, without distraction.  Sparx Reader reassures us as teachers and parents that focused reading is happening, and that readers of all abilities feel successful and motivated.

Sparx Reader is used by every student in Year 9-11 to provide a formalised opportunity for reading for all.  Students complete 20 minutes' worth of careful reading homework, and they are given 30 minutes of form time to complete this.  The purpose is to improve comprehension generally and to support students to access GCSE exam questions (and other examinations beyond). 

Students can choose from an appropriate range of e-books at their reading level and as they read, they’ll answer questions to check they’re reading carefully.  Careful readers earn points, meaning they can prove they’ve been focusing and ultimately climb the league table!

Motivated readers who demonstrate consistent, careful reading can unlock Gold Reader.  This means they can read any paper book from the library or from home by scanning in its barcode.

We encourage you to watch a series of short videos, explaining what Sparx Reader is and how it works, available at

How do they log in?

  • Students log in at  They will need to find their academy and log in using their Sparx Maths details.

Which devices are supported?

  • Your child can access Sparx Reader on any device that connects to the internet with a web browser.

How can I support my child with their reading?

  • Sparx Reader adapts to each student’s reading level, so it’s important that you don’t help by answering questions for them.  If you help them, Sparx Reader might think they’re a very strong reader and show them books that are too difficult.
  • You can help by providing a quiet space and a set amount of time for your child to focus on their reading homework each week.
  • The best way to support your child is to ask them about the book they’re reading; which aspects they’re enjoying, which characters and events they’ve recently read about or what they think could happen next.

Sparx Reader - Student Introduction

Sparx Reader - Parents Guide