
Remote Learning

In the unlikely event of a school closure, a programme of online learning has been developed to ensure that students minimise any loss of educational time.  

Our usual advice regarding remote learning is outlined below:


  • Check ClassCharts app for an overview of work set and Showbie/Google Classroom for resources and activities every day for any updates/announcements from your teachers.
  • If you are unable to access ClassCharts, Showbie or Google Classroom, please use the link below to resources for independent learning, which contains a wide variety of subject specific links.
  • Stick broadly to your normal academy timetable/class times where possible, to provide some structure and spread work out, although we know that this will not always be possible for a wide variety of reasons.
  • Complete any work set by class teachers, to a high standard, within the time period indicated by the teachers.
  • Ask questions if you do not understand or have any difficulties, during the academy day.  You can do this in the chat function in Google Classroom/Showbie or via email to your teacher.

Parents & Carers:

  • Encourage students to try to follow their normal timetable where possible, to provide some structure and spread work out, although we know that this will not always be possible for a wide variety of reasons.
  • Codes for Showbie and Google Classroom can be accessed by emailing Form Tutors.
  • If you or your child is unable to access ClassCharts, Showbie or Google Classroom, please use the link below to resources for independent learning, which contains a wide variety of subject specific links.
  • Encourage students to try and to complete any online work to the best of their abilities, where possible, depending upon home circumstances.
  • Additional work is always available from teachers on request
  • Encourage students to read books/listen to audio books for pleasure.
  • Encourage them to balance schoolwork with other creative/physical activities to keep themselves alert and engaged.
  • Encourage students to keep their communication with staff to during the academy day.


Remote Learning Information in the event of local or national closure or restrictions (Parents & Carers)

The Pingle Academy: Remote Learning Policy

Resources for Independent Learning

Students should use the links below to access a range of resources for independent learning


Select the 'Independent Learning' button, enter your Key Stage & Sparx Maths will supply you with questions personalised to your learning & ability.

Maths: Sparx Maths


When a student logs into Educake they can find a button called 'Set yourself a test'.  The student can then select the number of questions and topic they want to study.

End of year exams are a few weeks away and every topic they have studied to far this year needs revising.

Year 7

Biology Chemistry Physics




Metals & non metals



Energy transfer costs


Human reproduction

Periodic table

Acids & bases

Contact forces

Electical circuits

Year 8

Biology Chemistry Physics



Separating mixtures

Types of reaction

Chemical energy






Earth's resources


Wave effects

Wave properties

Science: Educake


English KS4: Paper 1 Revision Material

English: Paper 2 Revision Material


GCSE History: BBC Bitesize

Modern Foreign Languages

Year 11 Spanish

BBC Bitesize: Spanish AQA GCSE Seneca: Spanish AQA GCSEOak National Academy: KS4 SpanishYear 10 French

BBC Bitesize: French AQA GCSE Seneca: French AQA GCSEOak National Academy: KS4 FrenchKS3 French & Spanish

Oak National Academy: KS3 SpanishOak National Academy: KS3 French

Year 10 and 11 students should also use:

Seneca Learning

Revision materials