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Communication with Parents\Carers

We want every child at The Pingle Academy to be happy and to succeed.  In order for that to happen, we wish to maintain a healthy and collaborative relationship with parents/carers.  Communication from the academy to parent/carers is extremely important to us and is set out in our Home-School Communication Charter.


Home - School Communication Charter


The academy will develop an open and transparent relationship with parents/carers by the following means of communication:

  • All parents/carers of students in Year 7-13 to be invited to our Parents’/Carers’ Information Evening each September.
  • Parents’/Carers’ Evening for all year groups calendared from October to June.
  • Open Evening in October and Year 6 Transition Day/Evening in July for new Year 7.
  • A calendar of academy events is published on the academy website at the start of each academic year https://www.pingleacademy.com/78/calendar and published in the Principal’s parent/carer letter throughout the year.
  • ClassCharts is used by the academy primarily to communicate attendance, rewards and behaviour.
  • A curriculum Faculty newsletter for all KS3 subjects is published twice per year/per subject.
  • The Pingle Academy Newsletter published termly provides an update on academy events, visits, achievements and performances.
  • Academic summaries are issued twice per year for all year groups.
  • Parent/carer guide booklets are provided for each key stage which provide a guide to understanding assessments and include strategies for parents/carers on how to support their child/children at home.


How you can find out more about the academy events and activities:

  • Academy website: 
  • The academy newsletter
  • Parent/carer letters
  • Events and announcements
  • Curriculum information
  • Policies and procedures
  • Contact information


Key staff:

Leadership Team Position Email Address
Mr S Hall Principal shall.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk or kwagstaff.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Ms A Smith Vice Principal asmith.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mr P Harvey Vice Principal pharvey.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mr J Done Assistant Principal jdone.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Miss S Rea Assistant Principal srea.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mr D Riley Assistant Principal driley.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mr S Waller Assistant Principal swaller.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs D Wilcox Assistant Principal dwilcox.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs K Simpson  Associate Member ksimpson.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk


Heads of Faculty Subject Email Address
Mrs S Taylor Art & Technology staylor.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Miss K Robinson English krobinson.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs N Manan Mathematics nmanan.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mr C Little ICT clittle.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Miss K Langley Modern Foreign Languages klangley.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs S Rea Humanities srea.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mr D Brown PE dbrown.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs S Morgan Performing Arts smorgan.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs S Siniara Religion ssiniara.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs M Henegan Science


Mrs D Holland Social Studies dholland.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs L Harling ERS lharling.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk


Safeguarding Team Position Email Address
Mrs K Simpson Designated Safeguarding Lead ksimpson.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs E Orme Safeguarding Officer eorme.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk


SEND Team Position Email Address
Mr I Oliphant SENDCo ioliphant.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Ms S Lane Assistant SENDCo slane.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk
Mrs R Townsend Assistant SENDCo rtownsend.tpa@affinitylp.co.uk